You Am I Explaining Cricket 歌詞


You Am I Convicts專輯

11.Explaining Cricket

Ya know my three best friends were drummers yeah when i still
had a face just like a pizza slice I knew my zildjians from my
paradiddle plug straight into the stereo watch the damn thing

Yeh orchy bottle bongs and rocket fuel, while leaves gather in
the corner of the pool but now my words theyre drownin in the
amber again its like explainin cricket to americans just tryin
to get a hold the whole damn thing oh oh oh ooo

Weekend experimentation (now you need laxidation) where did we
all get the need for the daily medication? now my words theyre
drownin in the liquor again its like explaining cricket to
americans just tryin to get a hold of the whole damn thing oh oh
oh oh ooo

Oh i this cos we never had a clue, damn our cynicism and the
truth but now my words theyre drownin in the amber again its
like explaning cricket to americans i'm just tryin to get a hold
the whole thing really...